Earth Acupuncture
In the fall of 2014, our longtime teacher Karen Rice King came to Innerself Lightworks in Steamboat to teach 4 students the practice of Earth Acupuncture. We feel very blessed to be part of this small circle working to heal Mother Earth.
There are earth-made (Geopathic) and man-made (Hartmann) energetic lines all around us, affecting our health, our ability to sleep, and our lives in general. By mitigating these lines, our world re-opens to health. More and more these lines are crossing our worlds - the can be running through our beds, our work spaces, and other places where we spend the majority of our lives.
What the process includes:
Your property is assessed and a map is drawn of existing Geopathic and Hartmann lines. These lines are double tested with two mediums, and then mitigated by placing copper rods into the earth upon these lines. The copper rods work together to create a field of protection around the home that extends 300 feet in every direction. Clients report better sleep, health ailments improve, pets behaviors and health improves, magnetic and technological issues subside, and the general energy of the home feels more peaceful and healthy.
What happened at Innerself Lightworks during the workshop:
My property is 1/3 of an acre and the home is 1850 square feet and our space required 88 pairs of rods around the home. Immediately the cats were sleeping in new places, we noticed better sleep, the phone issues went away (bad service), and the home felt softened and happy. (Photos below)
Due to the process of burying rods in the ground, Earth Acupuncture can not be done in the winter months. However a temporary process can be done if your issues need immediate attention.
We are currently taking a break from these sessions but can refer you to people who do this work in Steamboat. Email us for referrals.
Images from the work at Andy's home.
There are earth-made (Geopathic) and man-made (Hartmann) energetic lines all around us, affecting our health, our ability to sleep, and our lives in general. By mitigating these lines, our world re-opens to health. More and more these lines are crossing our worlds - the can be running through our beds, our work spaces, and other places where we spend the majority of our lives.
What the process includes:
Your property is assessed and a map is drawn of existing Geopathic and Hartmann lines. These lines are double tested with two mediums, and then mitigated by placing copper rods into the earth upon these lines. The copper rods work together to create a field of protection around the home that extends 300 feet in every direction. Clients report better sleep, health ailments improve, pets behaviors and health improves, magnetic and technological issues subside, and the general energy of the home feels more peaceful and healthy.
What happened at Innerself Lightworks during the workshop:
My property is 1/3 of an acre and the home is 1850 square feet and our space required 88 pairs of rods around the home. Immediately the cats were sleeping in new places, we noticed better sleep, the phone issues went away (bad service), and the home felt softened and happy. (Photos below)
Due to the process of burying rods in the ground, Earth Acupuncture can not be done in the winter months. However a temporary process can be done if your issues need immediate attention.
We are currently taking a break from these sessions but can refer you to people who do this work in Steamboat. Email us for referrals.
Images from the work at Andy's home.