New season, visual goals, and eclipses ✨
This is an amazing time to focus on what your intentions for this next season are. To spend time journaling, creating, and visualizing your next 90-day goals, and working on the increment steps towards your next big goals. Summer is fast and furious around here, our gardens are in full bloom and the summer heat has settled in. It inspires us to get out into the woods, to go camping, and to go paddling on our many lakes that surround Steamboat. It means less time in the office and in our home, and for many of us that means less time in reflection mode. So, summer is by nature an external experience versus winter's internal one. And so we must make a point to slow down, reflect, and internalize pieces of our journey worth digging deeper into. This week's conversation seems to revolve around what our physical bodies are experiencing right now. We have just experienced an eclipse, we have moved into a new season, and another full moon. There are intense solar flares, and intense astrological aspects on top of that. As a result, in my world most people, including myself, are feeling the intensity physically. That can mean physical soreness, fatigue, and flare-ups of inflammation in your usual locations in your body, so if your knee is a location that speaks to you often, it will be speaking to you right now. Even though perhaps you feel like you haven't done anything to your knee to make it speak to you! I am also personally noticing sleeplessness and waking up at 3:33 in the morning, as well as a general return of the old feeling of being overwhelmed by a schedule that I have packed too full – reminiscent of the days just before the pandemic. As one of my teachers, Peggy Black, recently said in her monthly transmission message, we must remember to stay in that slower space of presence, so we can anchor in this new reality of an awakened humanity. The fast pace of American life does not allow for that, we fill our day with tasks and purpose that is very service level, not allowing ourselves to reflect and witness the true beauty of this Earthen life. So I am allowing myself space in the morning to sit in my garden to witness the bees, to listen to the birds, to watch the sun and moon rise and set. I take time at night to journal and reflect, to visualize, to breathe. With intention. I urge you to do the same, and to encourage your children and your parents and loved ones to do the same, to do that together is even more profound. In our Manifesting with Synchronicity course, in which we dig into The Celestine Prophecy together, in Insight 11 we talk about community and evolved and awakened model, and which we all can set intention together... When we do that in our smaller pod, our microcosm community, it carries us into the model of Insight 12 in which we can integrate that evolved and awakened energy, utilizing our One Mind, the collective consciousness, from a higher place of being. In the next 12 weeks, I intend to dig into each insight in depth in my podcast, join us there to learn a little bit more about how we can live with this awakened intention. Until next week my friend, be the light you wish to see in the world. And if these messages speak to you, please share them with a friend. Follow all of our communication streams to stay connected. One love, Andy
It's the last week of spring and Summer is on the way! Last week I mentioned Mercury Retrograde, and you can view our previous emails on our blog and podcasts page if you missed that one! (
This week, I want to take a moment to talk about the power of the stars. When we are born, the stars align to make an astrologically magical mathematical equation that is uniquely ours, our solar system's planets all have their own energies, and how they relate to each other is important. These are called "aspects," and are either positive (conjunct, trine) or challenging (opposing, square). The closer planets move around our star (the Sun) quickly, and so for instance, Mercury changes signs quickly, and has a lesser effect, albeit still very powerful, on our monthly journeys. The farther planets, like Saturn, are in an astrological sign for a very long time, and can affect us generationally, and therefore, when they change signs, it's a big deal, because it totally transforms a generation, a decade, or even a century's worth of energy. It feels as though the Earth is at the center of all of this, because that's where we live. But we must remember that we are just another orbiting mass moving around the sun like all the others, and when we feel into that flow, we can move with these ever-changing energies more fluidly. This is a big month – we are in eclipse season – we had a Lunar eclipse on May 26th and we just moved through a Solar eclipse on June 10th. Here's a great summary of eclipses and their meanings: And this is followed by the change in signs and seasons on June 21st at the end of this week! All of this can and does affect our energy – the energy I've been feeling is needing to rest – so honor that. Listen to your body, spend time in nature to recharge, work on your meditation practice, and let go of what no longer serves you. A solar eclipse will burn off the old, and coming into summer is when we get to celebrate our inner child (school's out!) and be free. This week, Mercury went into Retrograde, and so that's always a hot topic - communication and technology goes a little haywire, travel gets a little more interesting, and the weather can flare up - these are all things that the planet of Mercury and his energy can affect. As a rule, I always say look to your chart however - if Mercury was in retrograde (IE appearing to move backwards in the sky) when you were born, then this astrological influence that happens three times a year for three weeks may not have much affect on your world at all. It doesn't on mine, and I find that a blessing indeed. Also, remember that whatever you give power to, so it is. So I often recommend to take this time to reflect and perfect - take a step back and make adjustments... in your personal world and relationships, Mercury in retrograde can help us be better listeners as well as call attention to aspects of our emotional intelligence that need work. Don't give these next three weeks too much power, feel into the flow state of the moment and ride the wave. The "and more"... Galactic Systems and Beings
One of the first teachers I had, Sara Felez, in Eugene, Oregon, was a channeler of a galactic being named Jicondria, from the Pleiades system. She introduced me to an entire world and awareness that blew my lid open. Soon after, I read a book titled "The Only Planet of Choice," (c.1979) where-in the author channeled a Galactic Council who called themselves Tom, talking about how Earth was the focal point of the Universe right now, all eyes on us; and that our transition from 3D to 5D was going to be a long one. Soon after, I was introduced to Esther Hicks, who channels Abraham, another Galactic Council. And then Tom Kenyon, and Peggy Black, and... yes, both do that same. These conduits all began to confirm something for me. It became apparent to me that it wasn't just one person who was bringing in messages from "outer space," and I couldn't dismiss it as creative or woo-woo. This was probably legit, and what's more, it felt legit. Since my first series of classes with Sara, I had been introduced to my own team of guides, and I had been visited by some pretty powerful beings, one of whom was glowing blue, very tall, graceful, and peaceful, who called herself Moira. She wasn't from the Pleiades system, but I didn't have the word in my vocabulary for where she was from, so she described it to me. Many years later, I connected Moira to the Andromeda system. She and I don't converse, she is more of a guardian, and a facilitator. When I am receiving new light codes, upgrades, or DNA shifts, she is there to help my body make those shifts. I am told we all have helpers like this, and that is affirmed by every conduit I mentioned above. So if this sounds far-fetched to you, leave it. Continue down the path that you're on and if it eventually leads to your galactic team, excellent. But if reading this has given you chills, which is the physical body's lightening-rod way of telling you this is spiritual truth or synchronicity, because we ALL have the ability to be a conduit for the light and universal knowledge, then perhaps it's time to find out if you are a "Starseed," meaning you're here, now, to affect change, and you've come from another planet originally, to do so. Here's a test I found. Let it lead you down your rabbit hole of choice. To learn more about the star systems and Starseed races, click here! To simplify what we do, here's a great summary, it comes to you ever week at the bottom of your email! If you haven't yet, sign up for our email campaigns here!
Courses: You can view all summaries of our courses here, but here are the direct links and info about what we offer:
Coaching: My coaching is geared around living a healthy lifestyle – whether that's help with a healthy diet or a positive mindset, we can work together on driving your life in the direction of your dreams! Healing: Currently I just have one potion for you, but more to come! |
Andy KennedyThese are samples of our emails and podcasts – and you can subscribe to both! Subscribe to our podcasts at this RSS or search "Innerself Lightworks" in your podcast platform to find us!
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December 2023