It's amazing when your brain spends as little time in confusion and darkness as possible. This last week I was so grateful to be a part of a call on mindset for our Juice Plus team. It was an honor to stand in for the Cynthia Gompers, a 30+ year veteran in the company, and fill her shoes for the 30 minutes of insights and experience that her weekly calls always offer.
I was even more grateful to be doing this call with my longtime mentor and bestie, Lauri Aigner, with 17+ years in the business to her own. These weekly calls were an inspiration to me from the beginning of my journey in network marketing, and I don't say this enough – I am so so grateful as well for what this community and business has brought to my life. First and foremost is the personal growth for me. I have long been a student of personal growth, because I believe if I'm not growing, I'm not serving the best I can. I put personal growth first in my calendar blocks, because it's that high up on my priority list. So when I get to share a little bit of the nuggets that I have learned along the way, it's an honor and a blessing to pay it forward. The focus of our call was business-related, but it can apply to everything – as all things do. Perspective is an ever changing illusion. So when we talked about Consistency, Discipline and Focus, sure we told our stories of how these weave into our business, but I know they weave into my life, relationships, hobbies, and dreams as well. But the biggest takeaway for me in that is that you choose your own reality. I talk about this in many posts. So I ask this... What if it all works out? Whenever you're feeling challenged, you're in a spiral, you're thinking the worst. Ask yourself, what if it all works out, and see how that feels. Feel into the scenario of it working out, and let that visualization unfold. Sometimes it's nice just to try on someone else's clothes. Think brighter, Andy
Last week I talked about Being the Light – choosing to be, inspire, and embody that which you want to see in the world, so that we can create a better one.
What's been on our hearts this week is that we are all starting to see that the old way doesn't work anymore. We are shifting into the Divine Feminine reality and man, oh man (pun intended), is that hard to let go of for most of us. For one, the new way is undefined. And when we long for safety, well, undefined is just plain scary. But another reason it's hard to let go of is because we've lived this way our whole life and patterns run deep. So, it's up to us to derail the train and create a new track. If you haven't been hearing the term "Divine Feminine" in the last few years, deep dive that one to read a variety of perspectives. For me, it means letting go of an outdated, patriarchal society that isn't open to releasing power because in a world where Ego rules, Ego will grasp the old reality until the white knuckles bleed. For me, it's hard to let go of the Masculine way because it can mean logical decision making, strength in the face of fear, and security in that. But when I embrace my feminine side, it is a joy to allow fluidity and let synchronicity guide me, to be compassionate and loving, to be strong in a different way – a more grounded, balanced, and relenting way. The Divine Feminine reality is open to diversity, schools our children differently, grows our food more sustainably, treats the Earth more responsibly, lets go of anger, resentment, litigation, and manipulation. What has to fall away are some pretty big belief systems like the way we build communities, the way we look at health, and the way we make money. It will take time, but we are doing this work NOW. And we all came here now TO do this work. So don't shy away from it. Lean in and embrace it, embrace that together we are manifesting a new way to Be Human. And don't give up on that. More on the new way next week. . . until then, give yourself grace in this. It's OK that it's going to be a bumpy ride. We're in this together, Andy |
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December 2023