Don't take this personally...
I have been moving through this amazing book by Don Miguel Ruiz in a "book club" of sorts with my work buddies. It's just a little book, with a big message, called the four agreements. As with anything, since this book came back into my field of play, it's been loud and clear. I didn't plug in right away. One of our work mentors said she based her career on this book and it served her well, and we should all read it together. The next two team meetings we had a session where we could share about this book. I didn't. Yet the 4 Agreements kept showing up for me. They are, if you're not familiar: · Be Impeccable With Your Word. · Don't Take Anything Personally. · Don't Make Assumptions. · Always Do Your Best. A week later, I was reminded—very blatantly—not to take a friend's decision personally. Then I was reminded, twice mind you, that making assumptions never leads to a good place. Then I was triggered by, and had to do some rREST around, someone not sticking to their word. And all the while, almost daily, I am reminded that how you do one thing is how you do everything. If you haven't read this book—now that I've brought it up—you may want to. I would never "should" on you, but these are great, simple, and precise lessons for life and doing life with ease. As is our motto. We want you to skate through your troubles with a positive attitude. We want you to smile—nay, LAUGH—at every little hiccup like it's NBD. We want you to manifest your deepest dreams, and all the abundance you deserve, with ease.
Star Portals and Alignments
Most of you know I'm a huge fan of Peggy Black and the team, each month she puts out an amazingly poignant message for her global community and it always hits me right where it needs to. This month's message is no different, so I thought I'd share with you as part of our weekly Saturday Sage... I have had a very emotional two weeks – the Lion's Gate, the astrology, and the triggers mentioned below are making for tough times for us, but remember, we are processing big things, and we do this together! Please continue to do your work, you're making big waves! Star Portals and Alignments • from Peggy and the 'team' We are here celebrating with you and supporting you as you are being triggered by the intense, yet lovely, gift of energy from your galactic family. This gift is of the highest integrity and intention from the sacred realms of truth and love. These intensifying energies being transferred into this dimension, as you have been made aware, are specific portals available for all, especially those who are ready to be activated. You might call these energy downloads star portals or star gates. During these energy gifts there is an alignment of dimensions and the opportunity is presented for the veils between dimensions to thin. This is also the time to stay in your joy, gratitude and appreciation. You are more receptive when vibrating a high clear, cohesive vibration generated by these pure emotions. We remind you of the importance of drinking much water and being sure that you give your physical body good nourishment, quiet rest as well as time outdoors. This is an opportunity to allow the frequency transfer that is being offered to be assimilated into your system. We remind you to be open and receptive to the gifts being given. Each person reacts to and is affected differently by these energies of cosmic influxes from star portals and alignments. There are those who will simply think that they have the flu or that they have eaten something that disagreed with them. They will pass this off without being aware. There will be other humans who will sense that something has happened, however they do not have any reference points in their belief system to include the truth. There will be others who will simply resist; the minute they feel the energy frequency all their defenses will be put into place. They will ride these surges of energy in a total personal lock down. Those that resist will feel the most discomfort, their physical, emotional, mental and energy bodies will manifest the resistance in some manner according to the weakest point. There are a multitude of humans who are aware and awake who will welcome this opportunity. They will see this as the gift and adventure that it is. Again, depending on their receptivity, each one will experience this dimensional alignment in a different manner. These star gate offerings have been given to this planet since the beginning and each time there has been a shift, however small; however subtle, in the consciousness of humans. We are observing the incredible evolution and expansion of consciousness happening in the minds of earth dwellers at this time. There is a waking you might say. The awareness that each human is multidimensional is being claimed by more and more humans. These star gates, star portals are simply offerings which will allow humans who are aware of their deep connection to the stars to expand into their grandness and their celestial presence. We realize as many of you sit at the computer and read our stream of information and look at the solidness of the trees and the world around you, the idea that everything is in flux and everything is frequency and there is an open star gate seems a bit like a fantasy or movie. Remember that physical reality is only one aspect of the divine, it is the hologame. Now we are suggesting that you stand in the hologame, in the comfort and familiar physical reality and allow your consciousness to expand and include the possibility that there is a doorway open to other realms and that you have a personal invitation to walk through. We might say you can skip, dance, run or even hop through these doorways. We invite you to surrender into trust and to consciously request and ask for any assistance you might need. There are loving teams of beings ever ready to support and guide you and all others into this new adventure. The important key to remember is the willingness and the asking. State your intentions clearly and then surrender. The celestial realms are most supportive of the transformation of consciousness that is taking place on your planet at this time. They are here to support this frequency. The programs within your bio-computer and the data bank of your DNA are all being upgraded and activated. Celebrate this and discover what this DNA upgrade means to you. Notice new abilities, awarenesses, clarity, even understanding of cosmic truths. Become aware of the new skills that emerge, the sense of knowing, the sense of connectedness, the sense of oneness. This is happening on a global level and as it does it is reflected and projected into the cosmic level. Welcome the influx, welcome the dimensional alignment, welcome the sensitivity to the new frequencies bathing you and others. You are a warrior of light, here to anchor this new truth. You are here to call forth the new harmonic humanity. You are to witness these awesome star gates that are available for humanity to move to the higher dimension. You have been waiting for this moment. You have been inviting and envisioning these events. These higher frequencies of awareness and light are something that humanity has not had access to before. This shift of consciousness will continue to flower in all areas of this planet. There will be a surge of creative expression and realization that will welcome the transformation of all that has been out of balance with humanity. The seeds of these potent cosmic moments will continue to offer upgrades affecting humanity for years to come. This is the beginning. Realize that you and humanity have crossed a threshold into a new expanded unified field of conscious clarity. Welcome this reality; use your prayers and clear intentions as seeds of light planted in the fertile energy that is being offered. These cosmic moments offer the opportunity to activate all the very best that humanity can be. Remember that everything you do or express, think or feel is affecting humanity, your entire hologame and the many parallel universes. Be aware of your true personal power in all matters. You are a multidimensional star being temporally dwelling in your physical form. Give yourself the support needed to assimilate and integrate the gifts given by the realms of truth and light. We are here for you at all times. You are well loved. Be at peace, Beloved the 'team' Feel into the chakra
Recently, I've been shown the same scenario, and when this happens, again and again, I take a pause and ask, "what's the message here." If we get quiet, and observe, we always—always—get the clarity. But that's the challenge, in this world, is to be able to be the calm in the storm. Take a breath. Step outside, step into a closet if you have to, close your eyes, breathe deep into the bottom of your lungs, and ask, "what is the message?" I know I've talked about the body messages before—Louise Hay's teachings start here. The body has a message, every time. But I want to take that a step deeper this week and help you get practiced at this physical awareness process and listen, using your body as a transmitter for messages. At its most attuned state, the body can operate like a strong magnetic receiver. If you allow it to be just the transmitter, moving energy and emotion through it. From picking up synchronous directional feeds to guide you—to clearing ancestral emotional trauma—your body is a vehicle for moving energy. The hangup is that our body tends to store energy like a battery, versus move the energy like a current. When you have that awareness, that your body shouldn't store anything—from negativity to fat cells to free radicals—it should in fact move things, like nutrients through fiber. We eat food and excrete waste, right? Why don't we do that with energy and emotion? One of my hacks for this is feeling into the chakra. If you aren't, get familiar with your chakra system, what these 7 energy centers represent, and what energies and emotions they relate to. This is key, because the body part that feels the pain (let's say it's your shoulder) related to a chakra, in this case your heart chakra. And if you can say, "Okay shoulder, what are you telling me about my heart?" Then you pause, listen to your heart, breathe in the colors of green and pink, and you will always get a message. Breathing into your chakras is a good practice to keep. It keeps your energy centers moving, processing energy and flowing it out like a current, and not holding on to the things that don't serve you. From your ancestral poverty stories to yesterday's argument with the neighbor. Honor your emotions, and feel them, thank them, love them. But then move them through you, and don't let them store in the parts of your body—that will take on whatever you let it—and fester, sometimes for years, creating chronic issues like frozen shoulder. |
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December 2023