It's so good to be back! During my trip to the Golden State, I stumbled upon this eye-opening article written by Jeff Haden, a real estate mogul, all-around budding entrepreneur, and contributing writer for Inc. Magazine. Our industries are worlds apart, but his words held a truth that struck me. I must share it with you. Hopefully, it will open your eyes, too.
The trip to California had placed me squarely in the present. There's nothing like a new environment to get your juices flowing, so I had been especially hyperaware and absorbent of the moments that encompassed during our too-short weekend there. However, research shows the average person's mind spends about 50% of its time "wandering." Thinking about the past. Trying to predict the future. Too preoccupied in the present. Drifting from distraction to distraction. That's normal. What psychologists call "attention cycling" not only helps keep us safe—get too hyper-focused on a call and you might not notice a stop sign—but also helps us learn from the past and make plans for the future. Yet when your attention cycles so quickly, you enter a state the cognitive neuroscientist Amishi Jha calls "hazy autopilot mode." You aren't really paying attention to anything. Your thoughts drift from task to task, from distraction to distraction, from the future to the past. The solution is to be more mindful. Not everyone is a fan of "mindfulness." Maybe it sounds a little too psychology 'frou-frou' for some. Maybe it's a little too "new-agey" for you. A little too... something. But what everyone can do, sans all the frou and new-aginess, is take a beat and focus. Every person on this planet deserves that. And this is where Jha's book, Peak Mind: Find Your Focus, Own Your Attention, Invest 12 Minutes a Day, provides an answer. Jha recommends using the STOP method, triggered by normal daily cues, to remind yourself to be mindful of the present.For example, say you have to stop at a red light.
That's great for broader mindfulness. It never hurts to tell yourself to take a breath and slow down. Research agrees. Improved mindfulness can improves resilience, help reduce stress and anxiety, and improve memory and decision-making skills. Try to push aside all distractions and—while it sounds kind of meta—think about thinking about resource planning, or whatever it is you're into or can relate to. I remind myself that the point isn't to rush through my mental review and mentally scurry to whatever is next. The point is to focus and think and do that one thing as well as I possibly can.Taking a few moments to pause and think and focus has made a big difference. And it could for you too. Maybe, before you pick up the phone to follow up with a prospect, you'll decide to pause and think about what they need... and not just how desperately you need to make a sale. Maybe you'll decide to pause in your car before you head into work to think about the kind of leader you want to be. Maybe you'll decide to pause at the door to your house to think about the kind of person you want to be with your loved ones. Pick a few everyday cues and use them to spark a few moments of focus on what really matters. Sure, it might feel like you're wasting precious time in an already busy day—but you'll more than get that time back in improved effectiveness and efficiency.
Peggy Black and the 'Team'
We have shared with you that this is a time of unparalleled opportunity, that all eyes are focused on your planet. Humanity on your planet has the grand opportunity to awaken from the illusion. Many realities and dimensions are watching because what happens here will affect the whole, will affect those realities and those dimensions. What happens here will affect the galactic family. We begin this by sharing that there is much work to be done. We will also say there is much work being done across your globe. There are those awakened and looking around with new eyes. There are those who are awakening with fear and confusion. There are those of you who are awake and aware. It is your hands that will reach out to the others who are ready. We have called you and those like you Bright Ones for it is your light, your energy, your radiance that precedes you. These are times of great shifts and changes on your planet. This is on every level and at every stage. You can sense or feel it. Mass consciousness has been controlled through fear by your religions, your leaders, by your systems and your schools. These have been the programs, the vibrations that have been offered and have been taught. Everyone has been taught separation, prejudice, hatred, violence, mistrust, lack and scarcity. This is the undercurrent that runs through your planet. Each human, each being, has the opportunity to realize their divineness, their connection with the whole, their connection with divine mind. Each human, each being at every moment, in every exchange has the opportunity to shift and uplift the connection. They can continue to add to the fear, mistrust, and prejudice by their thoughts, words, deeds and actions or they can claim their divineness, their wholeness, their belonging to the all, belonging to the oneness. This is what is taking place in this moment of time here on your planet. All are observing from many realms…uncertain of the outcome. Each person is critical to the plan, to the awakening. Each person has the responsibility as a galactic citizen to realize who they are and to step into the place which radiates love and gratitude. Everywhere, there are those awakening to this purpose. This is an evolutionary shift in consciousness, it is critical to the survival of your planet. Everyone is more aware of the total connectedness. Your internet is serving as an example of communication, like the energy communication from other dimensions. Earth is very much like the reflection in physical matter of the energetic patterns and geometric shapes carried by the frequencies, the vibrations through the dimensions. Think of the dimensions not so much as going up but more like nested together, one inside the other, each in turn affecting the other. What happens in the galaxy ripples from the movement of the stars and is manifest on your planet. What happens on your planet, the energy from mass consciousness, ripples and is received by the galaxy. It is all one. You as a human, with a body; carry within yourself a reflection of the stars, moon and sun. You carry an aspect, a reflection, an interface with the galaxy. Remember this is a game of evolution, a game of consciousness, a game which allows all energetic signatures to be experienced. You as human are like the most sophisticated, refined, highly developed probe that could be designed. You are information gatherers, sensing, feeling and ever expanding from Divine Mind. Planet earth has been a wonderful extension of Divine Mind. The human body co-joined by spirit, interfacing with all possibilities, all emotional experiences, all thought forms, this is the incredible journey and opportunity in which non-physical beings long to participate. You are one of those selected to be in the wave, this group experience. Divine Mind is ever expanding through you and your experience. The human body co-joined by spirit has capabilities that have not even been revealed at this time. There are those with whom these abilities were more visible and they are called your avatar, your Christ. All humans have the same connections, the same abilities, the same qualities and the same programs to work with energy and this physical reality in a more advanced, aware, awake way. The goal is to realize and activate the latent abilities to align group energy and group mind with the galaxy and with mother earth, all in one energetic flow, an example of nested realities. We and many like us are contacting the “receptive ones” encouraging this shift within. Each person adds to the grid of consciousness. They add to the fear or the love. It is always your choice. Each time you choose fear, worry, mistrust, prejudice, judgment, you are assisting the old paradigm to remain. Each time you choose love, joy, gratitude, any higher vibrational emotions you are assisting the new paradigm to manifest. This is a game. We are in the last quarter, it is a close game. It has been played out for thousands of years. Your earth and all life forms have suffered and are close to total destruction. There has been cosmic support which has been assisting humanity to awaken. There are codes within each being, each human that are being activated, awarenesses are expanding. There is a waking up from the illusion that you are powerless. You are each masters, highly qualified, skilled beings who have cloaked themselves with flesh and stepped into a dimension, a reality, a game in order to transform the energy as the Alchemist. The energy consciousness of Divine Mind vibrates, moves, shifts and flows through all. Each one is responsible to wake and realize their part in this energetic flow. Each one is responsible for the thoughts, feelings and actions that they put forth into this grid. Do you put forth fear, hatred and chaos or joy, love and peace. Each moment it is your choice as to what you send forth. Practice sending forth only your best. Practice breathing, walking, sleeping and interacting as joy, love and peace. Invite and call forth divine support in transforming events and energy that is negative and misqualified, harmful and hate filled. Focus your prayers and energy and send your love and light as the energy that will transform it all. Begin by loving yourself. Begin by honoring yourself. Then love and honor others. We bathe you in our love and we honor who you are. Be at Peace Beloved, the 'team' ©2022 Peggy Black All Rights Reserved. Notice is given that the creation of videos by people other than the author, channel and scribe is prohibited. You may share this message and distribute as long as nothing is changed, you credit the author and include this copyright notice and web address. FREE 88 messages available Join Peggy and the team's amazing transmission on Facebook, too! How contrasts make life more interesting and meaningful. I would like to share a little secret with you. This has been on my mind for quite some time now, never being able to put it to rest and never truly needing a resolution either. Since the rebrand of our humble namesake, we haven't really decided on what that 'CO' at the end stands for. Then, why put it there if you don't know? Well, it's as simple as saying it just felt right – sounded right, too. But, there has to be more to it, isn't there? You can't just name something without a purpose, and yes, I may have given you reasons as to why we added the CO in the first place, but there has to be more. It can't just be that simple. And, you're right. It usually isn't. Humans have this intrinsic tendency of overcomplicating things, and that's just my simplistic way of saying that we as a species are naturally hardwired to seek deeper meanings from all things. Our curiosity knows no bounds. It is limitless. You can find the simplest, most straightforward thing and find a way to turn it into a mosaic of multiple meanings and purposes. If we weren't like this, you'd probably be living in an entirely different society. And let's just say that we aren't natural over-complicators, imagine how boring and drab the world would be. Complexity is contrast, and contrast is what makes life and our emotions more meaningful. As multidimensional beings, we strive to find peace, but we also strive to be movers and shakers, game-changers, tastemakers – norm disrupters. We can't ever just be in one box. We were given the ability to jump from one to another, freely. Just like the CO, a simple two-letter contraction. We were torn at first. Should it stand for COmpany? What about COlorado, that'd be cool! No, I think COllaborative has more umph. Hmm, COrporation's too industrial. Wait, I think CO– Yup, see what I mean when I say we love to overcomplicate things? Now, after way too much thinking, we had finally come to realize that we don't have to stick to one. It doesn't just have to be COlorado, just COmpany, just COllaborative... the whole point of shortcutting 'CO' opens the two-letter word to a multiverse of meaning. We are a company, we started from Colorado, we are a collaborative. We are. We are. We are. We are what you think we are and we are what we believe we are, and that is the beauty in the complexity, and in a way, it is simple. It isn't complicated. It just is. Many times, in this spiral we find ourselves in during deep thought and heavy reasoning, do we get disillusioned from the actual purpose of contrast. It is not there to confuse us, or to make the complicated even more complicated. It exists to make our lives simpler, better, funner, more exciting and vibrant and wonderful. Embrace the contrast and complexity, see it in the curious gaze of a child where anything is possible and nothing is limited. It is there to serve you, not to be of a disservice to you. Use it as a tool to navigate through the decisions you must make. Use it, embrace it, and absolutely do not shun it. How to: Learn Anything FAST
We regularly receive these wonderful 'mind movie' emails in our inbox. This one in particular stood out as it resonated with one of our courses, hitting close to home. We are sharing it with you, because not only is this a secret that you can unlock yourself. This is a universal, tested and proven practice that often many overlook, but once put into practice, can make a world of difference. What is that, you ask? Affirmations. Have you ever thought, "If I could have a superpower, what would it be?" Because I sure have! Flying, invisibility, the sought after power of mind-reading, telekinesis, time travel... the list goes on! But have you ever wondered: "What if, instead, you were able to have a brain automatically wired for success?" Now, wouldn't that be an amazing and practical superpower to have? And the awesome part is, we may be very close to actually having it. There are two effective ways to achieve this, but we'd like to focus on the first one, which is through affirmations, and the trick is to practice them on an ongoing basis because through constant, intentional repetition will you be able to bypass your conscious mind and access the subconscious. Here you will be able to not only gain entry, but embed this practice—these intentional words—into your brain and system. This is a simple and practical way of achieving the I-am-wired-for-success mindset. The I-am-successful mindset. Because before anything, before actually becoming it, you yourself must first think it and believe it. That is the first and most crucial step to learning anything fast. Prepping the mind. The world and its circumstances can be unpredictable to us, uncontrollable at times. There is no point in controlling things that we simply can not. What you have power over, though, is your mind—your self. Prepare it. Fill it up with mirror words (as we like to call it) or affirmations, as many as you can. Do it intentionally. Generate positivity so that you may spread it (it starts from within). You have the freedom to cultivate yourself endlessly, keep transforming, upgrading as you become a better version of yourself each day. Know this, there is no room for self-doubt, negative thoughts, "I can'ts" and "I'm nots." To embrace all forms of knowledge, you must let go of the doubts and create an open space in your mind—a clean slate. Affirmations is simply just one of the tools that can get you there. Fast. If you are struggling to bypass the conscious mind state, we have tools available for you to use that are free, already tested and proven by some of our most loyal students. If you are interested, we have linked it for you below. You can join whenever you please. - you can also sign up for our 21-day email journey, for free and all-inclusive. If you like this content and want more, we'll let you in on it first 👉 Andy has a special interview coming out this coming week with the amazing and mystical Peggy Black. It's set to come out this 4/12/2022. To stay abreast, visit our page to get updates. Special thanks to Mind Movies and Natalie. Hopping the timeline and healing with two amazing practitioners This week, the girls and I get together and focus on rREST (rapid Reprogramming of Emotional Stress Technique) and how it has helped soothe the old stories from our childhood that no longer serve us. As someone who has studied many modalities over the years, I can hang my hat on this modality as one that works quickly to get to the root of the problem and help you: Let. It. Go. I give my stamp of approval because this modality is one that is in total alignment with what we do here at Andy Kennedy CO and is a perfect "next step" to further the work we do in our Manifesting with Synchronicity course, building up Insights 2, 4 and 6 with ease and clarity. Enjoy the full discussion below, or easily listen to it as a podcast. |
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December 2023